Subject: I'm so much faster than you!
Prove me wrong on Strava.
Hey, When you’re ready to train with the big dogs, you should sign up for Strava. It’s a great way to spice up training and get fit. If you join and train hard, maybe in 10-15 years you can keep up with me. Give it a shot… it’s free.
Subject: I’m sick of you not being on Strava.
Get with it!
Hey,You train a lot. You talk about training a lot. “Epic adventure here, hard training day there, blah blah blah…” but none of it is on Strava. Get with the times and sign up already. I’d rather check out your activity in the Strava feed than hear another “you should have been there!” story.
Subject: I need you on Strava!
It’s just not right without you.
Hey partner, You should really try Strava. It’s made my training a lot more fun, and I’ve met great people (just like you) and discovered lots of new routes. Plus it’s free… c’mon, just download it! You’ll fit right in.
Subject: Please join me on Strava.
It’ll be fun!
Hey friend, I really think you’ll enjoy Strava. It’s the best way to track your training and connect with other athletes… sort of a tracking app and social network all in one. Give it a try (it’s free) and we can follow each other!
If it's not on Strave it didn't happen
Subject: If it's not on Strava it didn't happen.
Time to legitimize your overconfidence.
Hey, There are two kinds of rides: those recorded on Strava, and those where you thought you were faster than me. Join Strava and show me what you got. It’s fun and free.
Welche ist euer Favorit? Welche Mail würdet ihr an Freunde senden? Mir gefällt die erste, "Competitive" Variante ja am besten. Apropos, bei "I'm faster than you" fällt mir dieses Video hier ein, hat zwar nix mit Strava zu tun, aber egal:
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